Is running payroll becoming a Complicated monthly exercise ?
Iris can help you to manage your payroll function at affordable rates and you just cut the pay cheques.Iris has experienced and trained resources to run payroll processes remotely and reduce your overheads and offer you the bundle of value add benefits.
Our corporate payroll services include
- Payroll Helpdesk to resolve employee queries
- Manage taxes of employees
- User-friendly Technology experience to your employees so that they can access their payroll data on their finger tips.
- Advise on tax-efficient salary structuring for your organisation
- Provide opinion on tax implications on any employee benefit plans
- Assistance in Verification of Investment proof submitted by employees
- Manage income tax compliance like file TDS returns, Issue Form 16
- Manage payroll related compliances like ESI, PF, LWF and PT
All of the above at very affordable rates. Please get in touch with us to know how we can help you in managing your sensitive payroll function.