Financial Planning, Analysis & Reporting

Have you been facing challenges in planning your finances ?
Do you know how much funds you need over the next 12 months ?
Did you know if some expenses are incurred which are not budgeted for ?
Do you have a Capex budget ?
Financial Planning is a critical requirement for any business to manage funds in a disciplined manner.  Without a proper Financial planning, the business will lack controls and may derail in managing cash flows.

Iris can help you introduce a system of budgeting for every penny and implement processes to control, track and manage the cash flows in an efficient manner, giving a forecast and a visibility of inflow and outflow for the immediate future.

Under FPAR, we offer the below to our clients

  • Monthly, Quarterly, Half yearly or yearly budget for every function within the business, as per the discretion of the management.
  •  Regularly track and monitor actual expenses against the budgeted figures and report variances
  • Weekly / monthly Cash flow planning
  • Expense / Income / Profitability Analysis in a detailed manner
  •  Business Unit / Cost Center level analysis and reporting

To know more about the financial planning and solutions you require, please reach out to us at [email protected]

how can we help you?

 +91 80 26767606
 +91 9108506752

 [email protected]

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